2023 Guide to Interactive Wand Spell Locations at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter 

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Florida - Orlando - Insider tips - Universal Studios - Ollivander’s interactive wand locations - Wizarding World of Harry Potter

If you’re a Harry Potter fan, chances are you’re looking forward to your trip to Universal Studios and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. You may be even more excited to get your hands on one of Ollivander’s interactive wands. Before you go, be sure and go (here) to find out how much they cost, and also read How to Cast Spells in Universal’s Wizarding World. And now, let’s explore our 2023 Guide to Interactive Wand Spell Locations at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  

Diagon Alley Spell Locations 

Diagon Alley has 16 interactive wand spell locations. 11 of them can be found in the main locations of Diagon Alley and five of them are located in Knockturn Alley.  

  • The first location will be Pilliwinkle’s Playthings Spell, Tarantallegra, or the dancing feet spell, which causes trolls to dance in Pilliwinkle’s window next to the Fountain of Fair Fortune. 
  • The Flimflams Lanterns Spell, Incendio, lights the lanterns at Flimflams Lanterns in Horizont Alley. 
  • For the Umbrella Sign Spell, Metelojinx, look up towards the umbrella, above the restroom entrance in Horizont Alley and make it rain. 
  • For the Magical Menagerie Spell, Silencio, look for the birdcage in the right-hand window of Magical Menagerie. The bird will go silent.  
  • The Wiseacres Wizarding Equipment Spell, Dark Detectors, is located in the shop window of Wiseacres facing Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Eyes will open that follow the movement of your wand – hopefully.  
  • The Wizacres Wizarding Equipment Spell, Specialis Revelio, will reveal an archer on a star map. He then fires an arrow for his dogs to fetch. 
  • In the right-hand shop window of Scribbulus, with the feather quill, Wingardium Leviosa levitates the quill before setting it down again. 
  • At Brown E. Wright’s blacksmith shop at the end of Carkitt Market, Reparo magically repairs a suit of armor.  
  • At Brown E. Wright’s blacksmith shop, immediately to the left of Reparo, Locomotor Bellows causes the blacksmith’s bellows to pump. 
  • At the mermaid fountain at the end of Carkitt Market, Aguamenti activates the frog fountain which randomly sprays water so, watch out. 
  • In the shop window of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes on the Diagon Alley side,  Descendo magically flushes a plunger down a toilet.  
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Mystery Wand Spell Locations in Diagon Alley

  • The first mystery spell is in the Scribbulus window to the right of the feather quill window. Hidden messages will appear on the parchment. Each time the spell is cast, a new message appears. 
  • Mystery Spell two in the far-right window at Slug and Jiggers Apothecary causes a pot of brown stuff to move and emit a smell. 

Knockturn Alley Spell Locations 

  • On the Chimney Sweep Elf Sign, to the right of Dystyl Phaelanges, Locomotor Chimney Sweep causes the elf to climb the chimney away from the fire. 
  • The spell Moving Skeleton, in the lighted bay window across from Borgin and Burkes, projects a skeleton that copies your movements. You can play the chimes or interact with other on-screen elements. 
  • Near a set of shrunken heads, in a window to the left of Dystyl Phaelanges,  use the tongue-tying spell Mimblewimble to silence the talking heads.  
  • Near a bird in a cage at Borgin and Burkes, the spell Incendio lights a candle. This has a magical effect on the caged bird.  
  • Also, in the courtyard near Borgin and Burkes, you can use the spell Alohamora to try and unlock the door. But when you try and turn the knock, you’re in for a surprise.   

Hogsmeade Spell Locations 

  • Located in the window of Zonko’s Joke Shop, the Incendio spell sets off spinning wheels and rockets.  
  • Utter Arresto Momentum, near the wall-mounted cauldron at McHavelock’s. This causes the water to stop pouring from the cauldron as a pixie appears.  
  • Saying Revilio near the window at Honeydukes reveals a chocolate frog.  
  • Saying the spell Herbivicus near the right-hand window of Dogweed and Deathcap, causes a flow to bloom. Be sure and aim your wand high and look down low. 
  • Ascendio/Descendo uttered near the righthand window of Gladrags Wizardwear will raise and lower the wizard tape on the wizard’s robe.  
  • Saying Locomotor Snowman near the cake display at Madam Puddifoot’s will cause a snowman cake topper to move around. 
  • At the backside of Dervish and Banges, near the shop window, utter Locomotor/Arresto Momentum to start or stop the music box. A tune plays and the dragon chases a quidditch player. 
  • Alohomora unlocks a copy of Tales of Beedle the Bard in the window of Tomes and Scrolls Specialist Bookshop.  
  • Wingardium Leviosa causes quaffle and bludger balls to wiggle in their case resting in the window of Spintwiches. 
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