Walt Disney’s EPCOT – Avoid These Mistakes

Florida - Orlando - Epcot - Walt Disney World
Florida - Orlando - Epcot - Walt Disney World

Are you planning a trip to Walt Disney World’s EPCOT? The Park offers guests the chance to travel the world in short order without ever leaving Florida. 

However, as with other Disney theme parks like Magic Kingdom or Hollywood Studios, it can be overwhelming – especially if it’s your first time. It helps to have the inside track and that’s where we come in.  

We’re going to list a few greenhorn mistakes new guests to EPCOT make and then tell you how to avoid them. So, let’s unpack Walt Disney’s EPCOT – Avoid These Mistakes. 

Don’t Misjudge EPCOT’s Size 

EPCOT is big! We’re talking 300 acres big. That’s 227 football fields. When folks give estimates for the time it takes to travel between rides – they’re often off-base. The reason is that the estimates usually don’t take into account the presence of children.  

For example, the My Disney Experience app suggests that it would take 10 minutes to travel from Spaceship Earth to the Frozen Ever After ride in the Norway Pavilion. But it has been reported by mothers who’ve made the trek with youngsters – that trip can last 20 minutes or more.  

This is, of course, unless your kids are all toddlers strapped into strollers and there are no crowds to slow your roll. As a good rule of thumb, let’s just say that, if the app is suggesting it will take you 10 minutes, you should plan on 20. 

Don’t Forget Sunblock, Shades, or Shoes 

Another rookie mistake that new guests often make is forgetting to wear sunscreen or bring their shades. EPCOT is a park with a lot of open space and, as such, doesn’t have a lot of shady spaces between countries.  

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Without sunblock you’ll be cooked on your first day at the park. And never mind how badly your kids may be burnt in those strollers. Your EPCOT journey could end in disaster! 

And as we’ve mentioned, EPCOT is big. You will be spending a lot of time walking. For example, just walking around the countries once will carry you 1.2 miles. Now add in the walk from your hotel, and from your car or transportation to the park and, well, let’s just say, if you didn’t bring good shoes, you’re going to be hurting. So, bring sneakers and avoid heels or loafers. 

Learn All You Can Before You Go 

You want to do your research. There is so much to see and do here, you might have to travel here three or four times before realizing it all. Some have traveled to EPCOT three times before realizing that the Mexico Pavilion is not just a pyramid.  

In fact, within the pyramid is actually an amazing shopping area fashioned after an open-air Mexican market. Inside you’ll discover the Grand Fiesta Tour ride inside along with a great Mexican restaurant, La Cantina de San Angel.  

The Morocco Pavilion is not different in this area. If you don’t investigate before you go you might not know that the pavilion houses within it several shops as well as a character meet and greet.  

So, be sure to take your time to explore to discover the hidden treasures. Also, check out our article How to Get the Most Out of Disney’s Epcot for a little head start.  

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Florida - Orlando - Epcot - Walt Disney World

Don’t Get Caught in the Test Track Snare 

Test Track is a great ride for the kids. But unfortunately, it breaks down a lot. What this means is that, though your Touring Plans app may have your wait at and hour, it could easily become two.  

And though the ride is almost worth it if you’ve never ridden it, if you really want to ride it, be sure to plan on a wait. In other words, don’t plan an important ride or event for immediately afterwards.  

Take Your Time and Take it All In 

A big error that a lot of newcomers make is to not take the time to really get the feel for the park. EPCOT always has some sort of festival taking place – like the Festival of Arts, or International Food and Wine Festival, which you can read about here.

At these events you’ll discover more attractions, vendors, and even more dining options that, if you miss on one trip, you may never again experience. So, slow your roll, take in everything, and taste all you can! 

Also, be sure to check out our piece on Disney World – What to Know About Secret Menu Items. Stay up to speed on all the hot spots and sweet destinations. Return to Travel Hop regularly for all the latest travel news and updates.