5 Secret Airline Extras You May Not Know About

Airline - Secrets - Extras - Freebies - Bonus
Airline - Secrets - Extras - Freebies - Bonus

Flying these days can be a hassle but there are also some secret airline perks that may make your flight easier. Flying as a mode of travel isn’t quite as glamorous today as it used to be. However, there are still some hidden gratuities, bonuses or freebies that few know about. Let’s unpack 5 Secret Airline Extras You May Not Know About. 

#1 Special Check-In Areas 

If you’ve purchased a business class ticket, you may not know this. But there are special perks involved with check-in. Sure, you get perks for flying business class – like the priority check-in desk.

However, you may not know that some airlines have check-in areas that are exclusive to business-class passengers. For example, Delta One has a special check-in area with a free snack bar, including champagne.  

#2 Move to an Earlier Flight for FREE 

Do you need to get somewhere fast? Don’t worry. You can fly standby on an earlier flight at no cost. Flying standby is when you elect to join a waiting list for an earlier flight. Some may not know that you can do this gratis.  

What is usually required to get on a standby list is that the flight has the same destination as your previous flight. Also required is that your standby flight be earlier, not later than your original flight. However, each airline has its own policies, so you’ll need to check.  

#3 Special Arrivals Lounges? 

Some airlines feature a special arrivals lounge for travelers to relax and refresh after a long, late flight. Not every airline has such a lounge in every airport. You’ll need to check with your airline before departing. But again, the point is: If you don’t ask, you won’t know. 

Related:  Top 7 Hacks for Flights

Airline - Secrets - Extras - Freebies - Bonus

#4 Cockpit Tour Anyone? 

Yes, the airlines are changing. Security is getting much stricter and some of the perks we used to enjoy frequently are more difficult to come by. But you can still let your kids take a tour of the cockpit. You just have to ask the captain. Speak with your flight attendant about a possible tour but remember, it is up to the captain and so, there are no guarantees.  

#5 You Can Request Freebies – Like Eye Masks or Slippers 

The full amenity kit freebies with moisturizers, lip balm, etc., is usually limited to business-class fliers. However, you can still ask a flight attendant for some perks, such as slippers, toothbrushes, or eye masks to make your trip more comfortable. They may not always be available but, again, if you don’t ask, you’ll never know.  

Be sure and stay up to speed on all the hot spots and sweet destinations in Florida. 

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