5 Most Haunted Spots in St. Augustine, Florida

Florida - St. Augustine - Haunted - Ghost
Florida - St. Augustine - Haunted - Ghost

St. Augustine is known as the oldest city in the United States. Tourists travel here to learn about the city’s more than four centuries of history and unique architecture. But, despite the great beaches and history, many travel here to learn about the lingering spirits of the dead. If you’ll linger here a bit, we’ll unpack 5 Most Haunted Spots in St. Augustine.  

Castillo de San Marcos 

A building constructed in 1672 and passing through many hands over the years is bound to hold some lingering spirits – isn’t it? The star-patterned fort called Castillo de San Marcos is known to have housed thousands of Native American prisoners and brutal Spanish soldiers. 

If fact, it’s the brutal military past of the fort that has spawned stories of paranormal activity there. We’d have to say that no haunted spot tour would be complete without a visit to Castillo de San Marcos. 

The Old Jail 

Every town has its “old jail” ghost stories. But St Augustine is special in that this town has seen so much more than almost any other town in the country. And thus, The Old Jail is reportedly one of the most haunted spots in the city.  

In fact, The Old Jail is listed on the Florida and National Register of Haunted Places. Locals and visitors alike tour the jail to experience the ghost stories firsthand. The jail, built in 1891, saw prisoners subjected to notoriously inhumane treatment. The gallows here saw eight men die hanging from its ropes. 

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The Old Jail also has an After Dark tour. It’s a 45-minute tour that allows visitors to participate in an actual paranormal investigation of the jail. 

Huguenot Cemetery 

Located across the Old City Gate, the Huguenot Cemetery was established in 1821 to offer those who weren’t Catholic a place to be buried. Many who were initially interred there were victims of the yellow fever epidemic that swept through St Augustine. 

The burial ground reportedly holds at least 436 bodies and was open for burials until 1884. Today, the cemetery is also home to a variety of ghosts reportedly spotted by visitors day and night.  

Florida - St. Augustine - Haunted - Ghost

 Casablanca Inn 

Casablanca Inn is a lovingly restored 1914 Mediterranean revival known for lovely views of the Matanzas Bay. As it is still in use today, visitors still stay here. But, be prepared to get spooked as the hotel has an extensive history of ghostly activity. 

Reported hauntings include the voices of children and the sounds of their footsteps on the wooden floors. Reports also reference a misty shape resembling an elderly lady floating about the inn. 

The Spanish Military Hospital  

Many have reported experiencing an unnervingly sad presence lingering in the air of the historic site. When the Spanish Military Hospital was being rebuilt in 1821 workers reportedly discovered thousands of human bones buried underneath the hospital. 

Workers then discovered that the hospital had been built on a Timucuan burial ground. The Timucuan people were native to St. Augustine in their earliest years. So, be sure and stay up to speed on all the hot spots and sweet destinations in Florida. 

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